Our goal is to create a competitive advantage for ACWA Power by ensuring a recognized industry-leading culture of ethics and compliance.
Any violations of our Guidelines on Business Conduct and Ethics may be reported in confidence through our Compliance Line.
EthicsPoint (EP) was founded in 1999 and over 2400 organizations use the EP telephone hotline, web based reporting, and case management services as a critical component of their overall governance, risk, and compliance efforts.
According to the 2012 ACFE Report to the Nations, tip-offs were by far the most commonly used detection method in our study, contributing to catching nearly three times as many frauds as any other form of detection. Fraud incidents are much more likely to be detected by tip-offs than by any other method.
Website: www.complianceline.ethicspoint.com
Worldwide: +1-503-597-4327 (For local toll-free, please check the above mentioned website)
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