ACWA Power led consortium with Veolia and DIDIC awarded Salalah IWP Project

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ACWA Power led consortium with Veolia and DIDIC awarded Salalah IWP Project

Monday, 11 December 2017

An ACWA Power led consortium with Veolia and DIDIC has been awarded the Salalah Independent Water Project by the Oman Power and Water Procurement Company SAOC (OPWP) on 7 December 2017. The plant will be located in Salalah, Dhofar region and will have a capacity to generate 25 million gallons per day of desalinated water using reverse osmosis technology  

The project is being procured by OPWP under a Build-Own-Operate framework on the back of a 20 year Water Purchase Agreement (WPA). Dhofar Desalination Company SAOC, the project company, will be owned by ACWA Power, Veolia Middle East and Dhofar International Development & Investment Holding Co SAOG (DIDIC).

Paddy Padmanathan, President & CEO of ACWA Power, said: “Water is the most vital commodity for human life as well as a necessity for all enterprises. We are delighted to have been awarded this project and the opportunity to continue supporting Oman as a reliable supplier of desalinated water and power.”

The Engineering, Procurement, and Construction of the plant will be handled by a consortium of Fisia Italimpianti SpA and Abeinsa Infraestructuras Medioambiente S. A. The Operations and Maintenance of the plant will be undertaken by a consortium of Veolia Middle East, NOMAC Oman and Dhofar International Development (DIDIC).

Thamer Al Sharhan, Managing Director at ACWA Power, said: “Oman is a strategic country for ACWA Power – our portfolio of six plants can generate over 4,300 MW of power and 42 million gallons per day of desalinated water. ACWA Power is committed to ensuring the success of this project while creating real value for the local communities. As such, the project will play a key role in meeting the increasing demand for water in Oman, which is expected to be on an average, about six per cent per annum over the next seven years.