Paddy Padmanathan, President & CEO, ACWA Power, interview with Oxford Business Group

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Paddy Padmanathan, President & CEO, ACWA Power, interview with Oxford Business Group

Thursday, 27 July 2017

Paddy Padmanathan, President & CEO, ACWA Power, gave an interview to Oxford Business Group (OBG), the renowned consultancy and publisher of economic reports as part of the research undertaken for The Report: Saudi Arabia 2017, the most recent report from the group on the economy of Saudi Arabia.

Amongst other topics, Paddy Padmanathan, shared his views on how the renewable energy strategy being rolled out to diversify power generation sources. An extract from the interview is below:

“With the need for water and power growing, the ability to provide more of these resources at the lowest possible price in a sustainable, self-financing manner is essential. The majority of assets in the Saudi utilities sector are state-owned. Most of these assets will be privatised and efficiency requirements will be enforced on private sector buyers.”


Read the full interview with Paddy Padmanathan here, now available on the Oxford Business Group website.

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